I cant believe its been over 2 weeks since I posted on our blog - I had a tooth pulled then a bad bout of a stomach virus and its really thrown things off! I am trying to start my winter squash and pumpkin garden but Ive been too tired and sick to do it! I started my seedlings 3 weekends ago and they are approx. 2 inches tall - the pumpkins have yet to seed - I think they take a bit longer to germinate. The goal is to get to it this weekend - with 102 degree heat - I hope I can pull it off!
Here are some quick photos Ive taken while cooking with our local farmers market veggies! They are so beautiful - the food is art!! Ive got a whole group of friends who post their cooking photos on Facebook and its one of my favorite things! As I attempt to become a chef and a farmer/homesteader - Im always a photographer at heart! Enjoy!
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