Tomato circle

Tomato circle

Friday, January 7, 2011

Home Garden 2010

Ive always had a black thumb with plants. My mom would regularlly save dying plants from my college houses and then they would flourish with her. My interest was peaked this year when I learned about all the chemicals and GMO in grocery store fruits and veggies. Most are genetically modified to be huge and have a longer shelf life. The down side is that they don't have much of a taste.

This summer, I attempted to start growing food that we really like to eat. I had mixed results but learned so much! I found myself getting emotional about my garden. I felt like I was caring for it like I would a beloved pet. It brought me great joy when I got to harvest beans,tomatoes, peppers and squash! It also taught me tons of patients with having to wait for things to grow and produce. Also, on those days I didnt feel like getting out there in the dirt, I was quickly reminded that mother nature didnt wait.

I have grown to love gardening (du du dum)! I hope that with my research and my new green house - that I will get a jump on spring and have an even more amazing garden in 2011. Here are many photos to show my lil lovely garden of 2010.


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